Wednesday 31 July 2024

The Delargo Gardens - July

 Here we are again me dears, late as usual. Lets not waste anymore time and move on and see what July had to offer us in the garden

The red Border is looking like a Kylie video; Padam, Padam.

 Last years lily  “On Stage” gave us one flower.

But last years  “Muscadet” has done us proud and smells divine.

as does the new this year; Longiflorum hybrid "Eastern Moon".

We bought two baby Clematis this one is “Rouge Cardinal”

not the best photo - Lilium speciosum var. rubrum

The phlox have not had there best year and might need dividing and re-potting next year. Phlox paniculata, pink

Phlox paniculata “Blue Paradise”

and a fabulous new addition to the collection; Phlox paniculata “Nicky”

It's still early but the Salvias are not at their best yet. This one is new and I love it; Salvia “African Skies” [poss. hybrid of S. chamelaeagnea with S. scabra]

Salvia 'Amistad' is strutting it's stuff but a few more flower spikes would be nice. We will see what it does next month.

Brodiaea laxa “Queen Fabiola” was still looking lovely at the start of the month (sorry about me finger)

I love the delicate and fragile looking Agapanthus “Stockholm”.

We don't get enough sun to grow Dahlias but we try any way; Dahlia “Fascination”

Thumbergia orange beauty is still going and is a joy.

There tiz then me dears grab your parasols and jump up into the Land Rover for a tour of the rest of the estate

The taro is doing ok.

Well there we have me dears just time for a quick sneaky peek at this years Fuchsia fest - Millennium.

I have had no help from Donny this month he is still annoyed with me for constantly being late with my posts. He wrote me a note to say that if I did not pull my socks up he would report me to 'the Grand Council of Gnomes' and then no Gnome would be allowed to step foot in the Gardens of Delargo Towers ever again. A bit harsh if you ask me but you know what Gnomes are like.

I only knew that he was still here when he was caught on the night time security CCTV camera.

I will do my best to be on time for August and hope that Donny calms down and will be with me for the next post

Till then me lovelies

It's Ttfn from me.



  1. As usual, GLORIOUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! All divine and I beg to bad pictures. I dare say you had me at the first stunning picture. I think a all red garden would be very pretty. Even with our heat the garden is holding up, but as I told Jon in my post the Fuchsia as always are the first causality here, They make it till july and then the summer heat sets in....... but the salvia are flourishing! And the hummingbirds are doing their part to help.

    1. Lovely to see you in the garden Mistress and thank you for your kind words.
      Gosh how fabulous to have humming birds darting about. Our big Bumble Bees can't reach the nectar in the salvias and have learnt how to bite a hole at the base of the flower to get at it.

  2. It's always remarkable how our "succession planting" holds up well into July! The lilies were all fantabulosa for several weeks, as were the phlox - but as you say, it's now begonias, salvias and fuchsias that will keep the whole thing together until the last knockings of autumn. Jx

    1. It's a fabulous year for the Fuchsias, lets hope the Salvias pull their socks up for August.

  3. Those Lilies are stunning - jels!!!

    1. Aren't they though Ms Scarlet. They only keep going for 2 or three years with us buying replacements is a great joy. Summer would not be Summer with out them

  4. I love your red Lobelia! In fact, I like all your red blooms - even the blousy Begonias - despite finding some of them difficult to make out due to pesky colourblindness.

    Fuchsia "Millenium" reminds me of a fuller skirted "Blacky". And isn't your Taro doing well!

    1. Hello dear. sorry to be so late.
      We love your "Blacky" and every time you post it we think how similar it is to""Millennium".

  5. What a wonderful, amazing turnout you've had this year! Geeze, where do I start? The lobelia? The lilies? The begonia? OH DAMN THAT FUSCHIA is giving me 'Toulouse Lautrec' vibes for some reason. I mean, the taro, the everything! Tell Donny I said to get over himself. XO

    1. Fab to see you in the garden and glad you enjoyed the tour.
      Donny has been a bit difficult lately You know how temperamental Gnomes can be but he is back to his old self now.
