Sunday 30 June 2024

The Delargo Gardens - June

 Here we are me dear back in the garden to see what June had to offer us. Now then me dear I am as you know often a bit late with my post but this month is so late that it is almost time to start sorting out the July post. So no more waffle from me let's head off for a whirlwind tour of the Delargo Towers Garden.

Clematis “General Sikorski” was a joy all month.

Jon's pride and joy the RHS. Plant of the Year 2023: Agapanthus Black Jack.

Clematis “Comtesse de Bouchaud” struggled last year but has flourished this year.

The bees just love the Agastache as do we.

New this year and bought as dry roots so we are very pleased that it gave us a few blooms - Hemerocallis 'Fragrant Returns'.

No garden should be without Herbaceous Geraniums. They have a knack of pulling a border together.

The delightful and delightfully named Brodiaea laxa “Queen Fabiola”

Our new Hemerocallis  has a long way to catch up with the stunning Hemerocallis 'Crimson Pirate'

Our Begonias are now in full swing and provide a blast of colour in a shaded garden in place of the normal sun loving Summer bedding.

The roses started to flower in may and this month was their glorious last fling.

There tiz then me lovely. lets climb up into the Land Rover and whizz through the rest of the estate.

The incredibly tall and impossible to photograph Thalictrum 'Elin' in flower and it gives me great joy.

The salvias are about to kick of proper. With last years and this years additions to the collection we now have a fab mix of colours and forms which will be highlighted in detail next month

We are almost at the end of our tour but we have time for a sneak preview of the Fuchsia Fest - Edie Lester.

and there is just enough time for an up time for an update on the Taro. It came through the Winter (unprotected) fine enough but struggled with the cold Spring but is trying to catch up now.

Donny is very annoyed that I am so late with this post and is sulking up in the top field. I have told him that I will backdate it so that we will not lose continuity but he says that is cheating.

I promise to be on time for July, which should be a bumper packed edition but till then it's -

Ttfn. from Donny


Ttfn. from me.


  1. June is such a productive month for flowering! Shame it was so cold at times we actually had the heating on at night... You caught the garden at its best with these photos! Jx

    1. The weather was a bit rubbish for June but the garden still managed to provide a few stunners.

  2. Very colour coordinated. June is a fab month in your garden! My garden is very boring from July onwards and is more akin to a jungle.

    1. OMG. I can't believe how late I am in replying. So sorry to keep you waiting Ms Scarlet.
      Our garden has a little dip in July too as we wait for the Salvias and Fuchsias to reach full steam but the begonias keep on blasting us with wonderfully vulgar colour.

  3. General Sikorski is a very handsome chap! As is Black Jack. And you know I wouldn't say no to your Crimson Pirates having at me!

    Oh. Hang on. Edie Lester is giving me a funny look. I think I've upset her delicate, ladylike sensibilities.
    Either that or she wants in on the action?

    1. Late again, please forgive me. I don't know how you proper Bloggers manage it.

      I would give the ''Crimson Pirate' a wide berth if I were you but you don't need to worry about our 'Edie' she is a bit of a good-time girl.

  4. Lovely garten :)

    Gute deutsche Kochvolumen auf Englische-
    The German Cookbook - Mimi Sheraton
    Grandmas German Cookbook - Birgit Hamm
    German Cooking - Dr Oetker
    Cooking Germany - Time Life Books w/ recipe booklet
    …hoffe das hilfte :)

    1. My dear anonymous, lovely to see you in the garden and how kind of you to put together a list of German cookery books for me, they are indeed sadly lacking in my collection.

      I have a fabulous Austrian book from the 1960’s – ISBN 9780713802313 and a couple of lovely Dutch books but sadly nothing from Germany. All of your suggestions are now on my Amazon wish list and I will pick them off like cherries from a tree
      Thank you.

    2. Is that;
      German Cooking - Dr Oetker ?
      I have found Dr. Oetker: German Cooking Today 2008
      and German Home Cooking by Dr Oetker 1971
      1971 sounds good to me
