Tuesday, 31 December 2024

The Delargo Gardens - December

Here we are me dears with the last post of the year. December has been gloomy and grim but the garden is stirring and getting itself ready for 2025


Indoors; this years pink (no it's orange) Hippeastrum was still looking stunning.

The salvias are all still going even if like the rest of the garden they are a little scruffy.

The Fuchsias are still flowering too but we will wait for the up and coming Fuchsia Fest to view those. Instead we will a whirlwind tour of the grounds.


We are amazed that this Thunbergia has continued to flower from Spring into the New Year

Any plant that flowers in Winter is a joy - Pelargonium.

and of course the Fuchsias, this is Pink Fantasia.

a couple of last years Primulas have made it through to this year.

Donny has his hands full at the moment organizing the fuchsia fest and the VIP guest list for the Post Festival Ball. He still finds time to try and protect our little Primulas from slug attack. He is on a losing wicket there methinks.

So there tiz me lovelies. Donny and I hope to see you at the world renowned Delargo Towers Fuchsia fest 2024.

Till the me darlins it's Ttfn from Donny


It's Ttfn from me



  1. It's remarkable how many things were in bloom, and still coming into bloom, even on Xmas Day and New Year's Eve! As ever in this country, however, the worst of winter has yet to even start... Still, we have Spring 2025 to look forward to! Jx

    1. February is always the cruellest of months but we will be in Spain and crossing our fingers the plants get through it unprotected. Roll on Spring

  2. Replies
    1. Thank you and yes flowers are always a blessing especially in Winter even if they are a bit tattered.

  3. I'm a bit worried about my Geraniums this morning - they have been hastily moved into the garage and I hope they survived the very cold night as they were all in bloom. Always nice to have some colour in December.
    Happy New Year!!

    1. Don't fret Ms. Scarlet Geraniums / Pelargoniums can take the cold even in flower. It's the wet that does them in and trust me I know how wet Devon can be. Most should be ok down to -3
      PS your garage must be blooming marvellous.

  4. It's good to see that there are enough winter blooms to keep a smile on Donny's face. I hope everything pulls through for this year, and I'm looking forward to your Annual Fuchsia Fest!

    P.S. There's an Agapanthus down the road that has put up a lovely blue flower head! I must check if it's still there after last night's cold snap.

    1. Lovely to see you in the garden Mr De.
      Donny always has a smile on his face, that's his nature and he is looking forward to seeing you at the Delargo Fuchsia Fest.
      I do wonder if you neighbours Agapanthus premature flowering will mean that it then will not flower when it should; either way i hope it will be OK and indeed I hope ours will be OK too.
