Sunday 31 December 2023

The Delargo Gardens - December

 Here we are again me dears. It's the end of December and the end of 2023. We have passed the Solstice and light and life slowly returns to the garden.

 There is not a lot to see this month even the Salvias have almost given up, so time for some fresh blood. I thought a few Polyanthus would be jolly. This old one below is growing in the top field. It does not look so jolly but the slugs like it.
Some of the Salvias still have some flower but look a bit moth eaten
Our brave little Campanula is still refusing to give up.

As is our last remaining plucky little Pelargonium
Not much to see but at least we have had something in flower every day of the year

Time to have a look around at the garden.

The Taro is still in leaf and shows just how mild December has been

Looking forward to 2024 the Scilla peruviana or Portuguese squill is full of promise for next Spring

I was a bit late sowing the foxgloves last Summer but I think I will get away with it.

Our wallflowers are still waiting to be potted up and I have bought some Pansies and Violas from the dead and dying shelf at 'Homebase' to go with them.

Well there we are me dears. I hope you have not been too disappointed by lack of interest but fear not. We will have two bonus posts to compensate before we get to the January garden. Firstly the annual 'A Year on One Page' post and of course the world famous 'Delargo Towers Fuchsia Fest'. I leave you with a sneak preview - Fuchsia Blue Pearl.
Both Donny and I wish every one a Happy, Heathy and Wealthy New Year !



  1. It amazes me the plants and color you have. We have not been very cold here at all...and it is baren and colorless here...everywhere. It will be at least 3 months before anything starts breaking the ground or blooming. The only thing still putting along is the pansies. Nice to see some color from your gardens. Yours temps must be milder than ours. Love the Campanula.

    A Happy New Year to you both too!!!πŸŽ†πŸŽ‡πŸŽ‰✨πŸ₯‚

    1. My dear Maddie, my philosophy is - 'if all else fails, Cheat!'
      The blues, yellows and pinks are all bought in ( They are garden costume jewellery).

  2. No disappointment here! It's lovely to see that there's still some colour, and plenty of promise for next year (I'm really looking forward to the foxgloves and Portuguese squill again).
    In fact, this has reminded me that I must take some photos of whatever is flowering in my own garden (yesterday, while clearing up Bitey poo, I noticed the Hellebore has lots of white buds).

    Happy New Year, Madam A and Donny!

    P.S. Blue Pearl is lovely!

    1. Oh you are kind Mr De.
      We don't have much to show this month but the ferns have taken centre stage and do that winter garden thing without being conifers (for me that's a good thing)
      Roll on Spring and Donny wants me to ask you to wish Bitey a very Happy new Year

  3. I am so envious of the color! It's been unseasonably mild here and we have bupkis! Things I love: the scilla is All That. They won't let us have it here in the PNW because it's invasive. SHIT. Also anything from the dead and dying shelf - a gardeners best friend! Good for you!

    1. Bupkis, what a lovely word. I am sorry but I did have to google it.
      as for colour I have had to do shop bought but Spring looks promising
      Roll on Spring

  4. Even in the grimmest of seasons, there's always something of interest in the extensive gardens of Dolores Delargo Towers - not least the ferns, which are still beautiful, if somewhat battered by the storms.

    Roll on Spring..! Jx

    1. Ferns Rock.
      No garden should be with out them !
      Roll on Spring.
