Friday 30 June 2023

The Delargo Gardens - June

 Oh my Golly Gosh! I can't believe how late I am with this post. I do apologize for keeping you waiting at the garden gate me dears 

June was the hottest ever on record but not the sunniest or driest and the garden seems to have enjoyed it.

 In May 'my' rose had centre stage but this month 'Jon's' is definitely the star of the show.

Rosa 'Veilchenblau'

 Taken as a cutting it is now massive and full of flower. It's an absolute joy. We are both proud of it.

Also this month we have - Campanula glomerata “Superba”. Superb by name and superb by nature.

The salvias have started to kick in and they will be even better next month - Salvia 'Love & Wishes'

Salvia x jamensis “Nachtvlinder”, which is almost impossible to get a good photo of.

New for us this year - Salvia greggii “Day Glow”

Salvia verticillata “Purple Rain” with it's big round fluffy leaves. I just want to hug it.

and Salvia x guaranitica “Rockin' Fuchsia”

 'My' rose kept booming well into June and looked and smelt amazing - Rosa “Gertrude Jeckyll”

We also have some old favourites still in flower from last month - our lovely Foxglove. (I have now soon some seeds so we will have lots next year.)

Thunbergia alata - black-eyed Susan

Brodiaea laxa “Queen Fabiola”. Such a fab name and such a lovely plant.

Another newbie and another flower impossible to photograph  - Thalictrum 'Elin'.

We love our Geraniums here at Delargo Towers. This is the wonderful non stop flowering - Geranium 'Rozanne'

Geranium pratense “Purple Haze”

Always a joy - Tradescantia andersoniana

Clematis “General Sikorski” has flowered it's heart out for us and is such a fabulous colour.

Unlike our other Clematis which is very, very unhappy - Clematis “Comtesse de Bouchaud”

Hesperis matronalis was still in flower for us at the beginning of the month. It is a delight no garden should be with out.

as is Ipomoea tricolor, 'Kniola's Black'. Every morning it greets you with a fresh new flower which fades by the evening but is replaced by another new flower the next morning.

The same is true for Hemerocallis 'Crimson Pirate'. Pure joy even if this year we have acquired a new mysterious Hemerocallis disease. At the moment no one knows the cause. the disease might come back next year or it might not. Hey Ho.

There we are then me dears, tiz time to climb up into the Land-rover for a tour our vast estate.

Hope you enjoyed your tour of the grounds. Before we head of to the tea rooms and gift shop there is just enough time for an update on the Taro.

and to look forward to the Begonias coming into flower.

That's it then me dears. I shall leave you with a sneak preview of the annual Fuchsia fest. - Rose of Castile. Such a good doer.

 Donny and I hope to see you back in the garden very soon.

So It's Ttfn from Donny

 and it's Ttfn from me

Toodle-loo and Pip Pip.


  1. Gosh - it all seems such a long time ago! The joy of gardening is seeing things all take their turn centre-stage, and then just fade into the background again... Jx

  2. Agreed ! Everthing changes so quickly this time of year and yes I think we have this 'Successional Planting' thing nailed.
    I will try to be on time for July

  3. June is indeed a distant memory, that was our summer done and dusted.
    Your garden is glorious as always, and I hope July has treated it well.
    We are a little overgrown in Devon, as per.

    1. Hello me dear.
      June does seem a long time ago and I was late with with me post, now I am late with me replies, hopeless really.
      As a 'Propper Devon Maid' I miss it's abundant green lushness. That's one of the reasons we have so many Ferns in the garden.
      July has been kind and who knows I might post it, more or less on time this time !

  4. So lovely as always gentleman!!!!!

    Nothing like seeing everything come into fruition!!! My favorite this post is the Rosa 'Veilchenblau'. Simply stunning and I love planting like this that give a bang for your buck so to speak. I still to really like picks and purples this season. Our own garden is going bonkers this season...I can barely keep up.

    1. So lovely to see you. Sorry to keep you waiting but I am a rubbish blogger. more pseudo blogger than the real thing. I don't know how you all manage to do it.
      Jon will be over the moon that your favourite is the Rosa 'Veilchenblau'.

  5. Simple stunning gentleman!!!!

    Nothing like seeing everything come into fruition. My favorite this post is the Rosa 'Veilchenblau'. Simply stunning! I love when plantings like this give you more bang for your buck, and great spread and give a good display of blooms. Our own garden is going bonkers, I can barely keep up. Our own begonia are huge and the Zinnia have multiped this summer!!!

    1. Two comments for the price of one. You are spoiling me dear.
      I understand why.
      We don't get enough Sun for Zinnias but our begonias are a joy.
      Our main colour pallet is like yours, Pinks, Blue and Purple but then separately we like to have need a big hit of pure colour.
      Our late friend Alistair said that we bordered on the vulgar and we took that as a compliment.

  6. 'Veilchenblau' is gorgeous! Colossal and gorgeous!!

    Aside from a few exceptions, June seems to have been a purple and blue month. And speaking of exceptions, I hope your Crimson Pirate manages to fight off the disease.

    1. Hello dear. Always lovely to see you in the garden.
      Jon will be so pleased you like his 'Veilchenblau'
      Pink, Blue and Purple is our main colour palette with the red yellow and orange border to jazz it all up a bit.
      and hope to see you back again very soon. I am already late with July !
