Wednesday 31 May 2023

The Delargo Gardens - May

 Here we are again then me dears at the end of a May that has at times seemed more like November.

Be that as it may, the gardens here at Delargo Towers are starting their transformation from Spring to early Summer.

The star of the month is with out doubt Scilla Peruviana (Portuguese Squill). It gave us 7 enormous flower heads which it held for the entire month. We are over the moon with it.

Just as stunning is our rose “Gertrude Jeckyll”. It has had so many blooms this year and has no intention of stopping as we head into June. 

The scent is divine.

It's difficult to see the colour of our shop bought Foxglove it is the most delightful pale lavender.

The first of the Geraniums are kicking in. This one is Geranium pratense “Purple Haze”.

Veronica gentianoides is a joy, pure and simple.

I love Thalictrum, this is aquilegiifolium and we now have a new addition to the garden; Thalictrum 'Elin'. It is similar but is latter, taller and has a very different type of flower. Some to look forward to next month me lovelies.

We have grown Thunbergia (“Black-Eyed Susan”) from seed for years now but this one is from a nursery in Essex. It was a much stronger and happy plant than we could have produced on our windowsill.

and is it's flowering already. 

Dianthus (Carnation) “Devon Pink Ruffles” -

With the adorable Erigeron karvinskianus (Mexican fleabane)

The Auriculas had a bad winter and I thought we might have lost them but they are still with us and have still managed to flower.

We love all Campanulas and have added this cascading one to the collection; Campanula muralis .

some of Tulips were still going on at the start of the month

and these carried on from April right through May. - Doronicum orientale 'Leonardo' (Leopard's Bane)

Geranium phaeum “Samobor”

Aubrieta “Gracea”

Begonia Beauvilia; 'Red'

There we are then me dears, tiz time to climb up into the Land-rover and tour our vast estate

Hope you enjoyed the tour and didn't find it to bumpy going off road in the Land-rover. Before we all head of to the tea rooms there is just enough time for one of the joys of the season; watching the ferns unfold

Also Donny is back from his Hols and He has selected 'Just Pat' for this moths preview of the annual Fuchsia fest.

That's it for this month then me dears. Donny and I hope to see you back in the garden soon.

So It's Ttfn from Donny

 and it's Ttfn from me

Toodle-loo, Pip Pip.


  1. Thankfully May ended in a slightly warmer fashion than it began, and continued. The plants didn't seem to mind, thank goodness! It's all looking set for a great summer show! Jx

    1. We deserve some good weather and the garden is already looking full and fab.

  2. May is just Marvellous! It's my favourite month as long as some foxgloves start to bloom before the month ends (otherwise, June is my favourite). Your foxglove is very lovely - I can just about make out the colour on the lowest flowers.
    In fact, all the flowers are lovely. Epecially the "Gertrude Jeckyll", but ESPECIALLY the Scilla! And then here come the ferns!!

    1. I wouldn't want to imagine a Summer without Foxgloves. This one is a very pale yellow when it opens and changes to pale lavender as it matures so you get both colours on one spike it really is lovely and perennial to boot.
      Watching ferns unfurl is a great joy. We just love um'.

  3. Is the Leopard's Bane Forget-me-Not? Anyhow, I want it in my garden!
    Your garden is so colourful - obviously well loved.

    1. Hello Ms Scarlet.
      Leopard's Bane is the yellow daisy flower. it works well with the Forget-me-Not which self-seeds it self and pops up where ever it wants to.
      I love this time of year when the bright primary colours of Spring give way to the soft pastel colours of Mid-Summer

  4. I have never seen a better container garden in my life. It never fails to impress. Underplanting the geranium with tradescantia was INSPIRED. Then augmenting the cascade of strap foliage with the long trumpets of yellow aquilegia... adding the forget me not and surrounding it all with ferns is the most beautiful selection of foliage shapes and shades....! Luscious rosa Veichenblau is glorious this year. So beautifully kept and orderly. I WANT TO LIVE NEXT DOOR TO YOU. I promise I will remain clothed.

    1. Hello dear. Gosh what kind words, thank you.
      You are welcome in the garden anytime, with or without your clothes.
