Friday 31 March 2023

The Delargo Gardens - March

 Here we are again me dears. March is over and hopefully so is Winter. The garden is re-awaking and everything has started into growth. The birds are singing away but it's still chilly so grab your fur wrap and lets begin our look around the gardens here at Delargo Towers.

This little alpine daffodil is a joy and brightened up a dull month.

 the return of old friends Ipheion uniflorum “Jessie” and “Rolf Fiedler”

Last year's Crocus have flowered again.

 We have had this Chionodoxa forbesei “Pink Giant” for a few years now and it's looking lovely this year

The violas are still going strong even with tulips bursting through on full thrust.

So looking forward to next month when the tulips come into flower.

Still blooming away, Polyanthus -

and Doronicum orientale 'Leonardo' (Leopard's Bane)

The Cyclamen has had its last flush and now has gone over.

as have the Tete a Tete daffs but they gave us a fab display for St David's Day.

There we are then me lovelies, A little more to show than last month but I am sure we will have a full house for April. Now 'tiz time to climb up into the Land-rover and tour our vast estate.

We have lost the use of the kitchen. It been taking over by Salvia, Begonias and Dahlias.

We are over the moon that the Taro plant came through the winter without protection and has started back into growth

and we thought you might like to know that the orchid is still going strong and shows no sign of starting to fade anytime soon.

Donny is getting excited and looking forward to the April garden and we hope to see you there, then. There should be lots to see.

So till then me dears it's Ttfn from Donny and Ttfn from me.

Toodle-loo and Pip Pip.


  1. Beautiful my dear Madam! The first wave of blooming I find always the most exciting. We are already much too warm here for April...that's worrisome. I love the Ipheion uniflorum , which caught my eye and made me happy.

    It seems here right now like an explosion of color wherever one looks. There is no stopping it now...the season has begun. I did a post of out bloomings, mostly the bulbs and flowering trees, which to me last all but to short.

    1. Oh My Gosh, my dear Mistress Maddie. Thank you for taking me around the Springtime delights of Cassa Borghese
      Persephone has indeed returned and has has taken up residence in your garden and is throwing a party!
      You are so far ahead of us I feel like I am gardening in the Outer Hebrides.

  2. It's heartening to see so much life after that dreadful winter - and so much promise of things to come! Jx

    1. Spring has Sprung!
      As Mistress Maddie said "There is no stopping it now"
      It is a joy to be back in the garden and thank you for washing all of those old flower pots xxx

  3. So pleased to see that the back passage is springing into life!
    My Tulips were savaged by the wind yesterday - so I'm a little displeased about that. Still, early days, hopefully they'll be more blooms later this month.

    1. Ms Scarlet, it has been a long time since my back passage showed any signs of life. We are amazed that so much has come through that truly awful Winter.
      I saw on the news the damage caused by the storms that hit Devon. I am sure you will get more blooms on your Tulips. Keep me posted xxx

  4. Madame Arcati, I have been unforgivably absent from your magnificent blog. I tender my apologies. What you've done this year is ASTOUNDING. Your spring combinations are so beautiful and successful! And then OMG look at the orchid losing it's mind! I'm blown away. Gorgeous!

    1. Always lovely to see you in the garden and thank you for your kind words.
      Spring has eventually Sprung and the garden will soon start to fill up with all kinds of goodies. Bright and bold colours from the bulbs are a joy in the meantime. The tulips are now all but in full flowers and will take centre stage for April. Hope to see you back at Delargo Towers then.
