Wednesday 31 August 2022

The Delargo Gardens - August

 Here we are back in the garden, me dears. Our social calendar is bursting at the seams in August and the garden has been a little neglected due to lack of time. Apologies made, let's have a slightly shorter than normal look-see at what the gardens of Delargo Towers had to offer this month

The plant of the month is Crocosmia x crocosmilflora “Emily McKenzie”

now in its new position on the fence of the "hot border".

I mentioned neglect earlier, and here is a prime example. This is last year's Hollyhock seeding. It didn't flower last year and has been ignored this. Still its tiny pot it still managed to flower.

The Agapanthus "Charlotte" has given us a fab show but blooms are starting to fade. The good news is that the Nerine is in bud and promises to give a show next month.

Rosa “Gertrude Jeckyll” has managed to give us a little second flush.

and for us this is "the last rose of Summer".

All of our Phlox have been devastated by powdery mildew. We have cut them back hard in the hope to get fresh growth and some flowers later in the year.

The lovely Eucomis zambesiaca “White Dwarf” has been very jolly this year.

I didn't manage to get many good shots of the Salvias this month but they are alive and well and am sure will be looking fab in September.

Now then me dears, we don't actually like Begonias that much but they do well in shade. Due to the ever-encroaching weed trees we are starting to rely on them more and more.

Above was Begonia odorata “Fragrant Angelique” and this one is new for us this year, Begonia odorata “Red Glory”

There tiz then, me lovelies - and that brings neatly on to the 'Hot Border' so lets climb up into the Land-Rover and we will begin the grand tour of the Estate.


We have just enough time to take a sneak preview of the annual Delargo Towers 'Fuchsia Fest' in the New Year -This is "Elfriede Ott":

So till the next time I see you in the garden me dears, it's


P.S. Please leave a comment in the visitors' book

Unfortunately due to trespassers climbing the garden wall and scribbling graffiti all over the place
CCTV has been installed along with comment moderation for older posts. I shall reply to all comments as soon as I can.

Pip pip.


  1. Despite us being away for two weekends on the trot followed by the picnic, the garden seems to be "bouncing back" to life now we've had torrential rain and the air's a bit cooler. Here's to an "Indian Summer" of floral delights! Jx

  2. It's all so beautiful as usual, but what do you expect from such talented gardeners. Our garden here is still going pretty strong, as seen from my earlier post, but you boys give me something to aspire too. In this post the Agapanthus caught my eye. I may have a whirl at that next summer. And you do a great job at taking pictures of the salvia. I find it hard to photograph and get a nice picture.

    1. Thank you me dear and lovely to see you in the garden as always.
      Not sure about talent more like perseverance and 'Lets give it a go and see what happens'
      Do give Agapanthus a try it's a joy.

  3. I can see why "Emily McKenzie" is your plant of the month - such beautiful, firey flowers! Well, everything looks beautiful, as always. Except... the begonias - Like you, I'm not keen.

    Are those fuchsias in that trough on your kitchen windowsill?

    P.S. Bravo to that little hollyhock!

    P.P.S. I hope your phlox recover.

    1. Emily is a star isn't she!
      Those are indeed Fuchsias on the window sill. They have gone a bit beresk and are heading for the stars. They have since been swoped around for some that have a little more decorum.

  4. Replies
    1. Thank you Ms Scarlet, I do hope you are referring to the garden and not me xxx.
      Lovely to see you in the garden as always

    2. I knew you were going to ask that!!! The garden!!!

    3. Oh dear Ms Scarlet I am so sorry, I didn't see you there at the back of the shrubbery.
      You must think me so rude in not replying sooner.
      and yes I am nothing if not predictable. If you feed the line I will deliver xxx

  5. Late again! My excuse is that The Man and I are looking downsize to smaller abode (eek!) so you can expect to come prowling for ideas...

    1. No need for apologies me dear., It's always lovely to see you in the garden . hope all goes well with your move and look forward to your next visit
