Friday, 28 February 2025

The Delargo Gardens - February

 Here we are again me dears, back in the garden in what has turned out to be a very chilly and damp February. Having said that the Primulas and polyanthus have started to strut their stuff despite of the weather.


As colourful as they are the true star of the garden this month is still Sarcococca with it's heady glorious sent and is a gawd send for the early bees.

 and the Cyclamen are still a constant joy too.

 There we are then me darlins short and sweet (just like me). I hope you’ve got your thermals on; tiz time to climb up into the Land Rovers and tour our vast estate.


It has been a bad year for Pansies and Violas. They are very hardy but do not flower when it gets too cold and it has been constantly too cold.

 On a more jolly note the crocus are in flower but need some warmth and sunshine to open fully

 We even have an early flowering Ipheion to keep them company.

 With St Davids fast approaching I was concerned that our Daffodils would not be open in time for the 1st of March. I need not have worried, right at the last minute they did their duty ! 



bless um' and Dydd Gŵyl Dewi Hapus for the 1st of March from Donny and me self.


Till then it's

Ttfn from Donny


Ttfn from me

Toodle-Loo and Pip, Pip.

Sunday, 26 January 2025

The Delargo Gardens - January

Here we are me darlins at the start of 2025.

As I am sure you can imagine, there is not a lot to see this month but we do have some flower.

 Cyclamen is looking fab and giving us the best hit of colour

Less showy but just as fab is the Sarcococca hookeriana var. digyna 'Purple Stem'

the scent from this is amazing.

winter pansies are amazing this time of year

We have just been down to - 5'c. Not only were they unscathed (zoom in), they now have greenfly.

Battered but unbowed.

Last years primulas have shrugged of the frost and are dong their best to flower for us.

The Grand Tour

There tiz me dears but things are moving on. Our new batch of Polyanthus are about to kick off

The Daffs ( Tete a tete) are getting ready for next month

Donny is looking after the crocus which should come into flower soon

Lovely to see you in the garden and we hope to see you again next month but till then -

It's Ttfn from Donny


Ttfn from me


Monday, 13 January 2025

A year on One Page. Delargo Towers 2024

 Here we are then me darlins with the the last of the reviews of 2024. 

The Gardens of Delargo Towers 2024.

2024 was not our best gardening year methinks. Lack of time and the increasing shade from the weed trees has noticeably reduced our flower power compared with previous years but the garden is still a joy and we are now finding interesting shade lovers to replace the plants that we want to grow but cant.















Well there we are then me dears a whole gardening year in a nut shell

Donny is laughing and saying that soon all we will be able to grow is ferns and that’s ok cuz he loves ferns. Looking at previous years of 'Year on One Page' he might well be right.

We Love ferns as well but we want flowers too. Fuchsias and begonias are filling the gap, Petunias and Dahlias are out but I am sure we will find some more shade lovers.

Roll on Spring and tiz time to grab your the seed catalogues and plan for next year.

We look forward to seeing you in the garden proper again in 2025. but till then It's -

Ttfn from Donny


Ttfn from me

Toodle - Loo and Pip Pip.