Wednesday 16 October 2024

Air Fryer Madness

 Hello dears. I have recently bought an air fryer and as it is a new toy I am a bit obsessed with it.

Like when the Microwave first came into usage; people said, thought that they could do everything and anything.
Some people think that both are overrated.
Neither is true!
Each one is fabulous at what it does well in it's own way.
The good cook works out how to get the best out of both of them and avoids their weaknesses and failings  

An Air Fryer does not Fry anything! It is a small very, very hot fan oven and It's not new,

During World War II. William Maxson developed a “whirlwind oven:” a large, multi-layered oven that used a fan to blow hot air onto the food. this oven created a system of evenly heated food even from frozen.
Maxson patented his invention and sold the idea to the United States Army.
This early version of the air fryer was popular until the invention of the microwave.

Using Maxson’s fan and hot air technology, van der Weij created the air fryer as we know it today. He partnered with 'Philips' to release the modern version of an air fryer in 2010.

I would never be without my air fryer -
or my -
Fan Oven, Hob, Pressure cooker, Microwave, Deep fat fryer and slow cooker.
You can keep your Nija I don't need it (and you will never get a turkey leg in a Nija).

Monday 30 September 2024

The Delargo Gardens - September

Here we are again me dears with a look at the Gardens of Delargo Towers in September. The much hoped for Indian Summer never happened and we have slipped or slid into Autumn. The beginning of the month saw the last of the Phlox -  Phlox paniculata “Blue Boy” it's always the last to flower.

Now it's Salvias that take the centre stage; this is 'Amistad'

Salvia patens “Patio Deep Blue”

Salvia x guaranatica “Amante”
Salvia 'Embers Wish'
Salvia x guaranitica “Rockin' Fuchsia”

Salvia “Day Glow” [S. greggii x S. microphylla hybrid]

No garden should be without Verbena bonariensis; they are a delight were ever they pop up.

as is Thunbergia 'Orange Beauty'. We have grown several varieties but this one is the bees' knees for colour and non-stop flowering, month after month.

More Salvia - Uliginosa (Bog Sage) and there are indeed more as we have some new varieties but have not managed to get photo in focus yet.

Every thing that is flowering well in the garden at the moment end in '-ia': Salvias, Fuchsias and Begonias. With the later finding a good one is not easy. They vary even in named varieties. We love this one - 'Non-Stop Red' but some of the more blousy / vulgar ones have now found their way to the great compost heap in the sky.

Well there 'tiz me dears. Short and sweet (just like me) It was bad Spring, a disappointing Summer and Autumn looks like it's going to be grim.

Having said that the Fuchsias have loved it and the back passage is full so lets have a quick tour of how things are looking on the rest of our vast estate here at Delargo Towers.

 We are indeed now in Autumn and this lovely new acquisition is heralds the change of season: Cyclamen persicum

The fuchsias have indeed done well this year and this was my pick for the sneak preview of the 'Fuchsia Fest 2024'

But Donny has used his 'Veto card' and excluded it for this one (Mainly because he is in shoot methinks).

Sorry I didn't name the Fuchsias

Me     =     "Swing Time"

Donny =     "Italiano"

Well there we are, me dears, at the end of a rather disappointing Summer and all I can say is; 'Roll on Spring'.

Till next time then me lovelies; it's Ttfn from Donny 

and it's

Ttfn from me


Saturday 31 August 2024

The Delargo Gardens - August

 Hello me dears we is back with our August visit to the Garden. The weather has been up and down and the shade from the evil weed trees are impacting on some of the plants but things are still looking lovely.

This is the second of the two baby bare root Clematis we bought this year; Clematis 'Nelly Moser' The top growth hasn't been up to much but it has done marvellously well with developing a good strong root ball which bodes well for next year.

August and September should be the glory time for our Phlox and Salvias. They are flowering but not as well as we hoped or expected. I was surprised to find that I had not taken one decent photo of any of the Salvias this month, fingers crossed for the next.

Begonias take the shade big time and are providing the majority of colour, Big time!

An Oddity - last year I sowed Foxgloves and Campanula far to late in the year. The plants are looking fab and should do wonders next Spring however, one brave little Foxglove decided to flower in August.

Overlooked and taken for granted, our lovely Bizzy Lizzy. It brightens a dark spot opposite the garden door and has flowered from Spring non-stop.

Well there tiz then, now it's time to hop on to the Delargo Towers miniature steam railway to tour the rest of our vast estate

Summer is not over yet but it's still time to start looking at next year. We are overjoyed that Nicotiana affinis has reappeared unexpectedly after a couple of years absence.

The late sown Campanula waiting for next Spring with this years bare root Thalictrum delavayi 'Hewitt's Double'. I am very excited about both of these.

Back to the now and back to Donny. Yes he is back thank heavens but still more than a little touchy. He has demanded 2 photos for the sneak preview of the upcoming Fuchsia Fest. - Fuchsia Royal Velvet

and Fuchsia R.A.F.

Lovely to have Donny back even if he is still on his 'Soap Box'

There tiz then me lovelies. We hope to see you next month but till then;

It's Ttfn From Donny

and Ttfn from me


and Pip Pip

Wednesday 31 July 2024

The Delargo Gardens - July

 Here we are again me dears, late as usual. Lets not waste anymore time and move on and see what July had to offer us in the garden

The red Border is looking like a Kylie video; Padam, Padam.

 Last years lily  “On Stage” gave us one flower.

But last years  “Muscadet” has done us proud and smells divine.

as does the new this year; Longiflorum hybrid "Eastern Moon".

We bought two baby Clematis this one is “Rouge Cardinal”

not the best photo - Lilium speciosum var. rubrum

The phlox have not had there best year and might need dividing and re-potting next year. Phlox paniculata, pink

Phlox paniculata “Blue Paradise”

and a fabulous new addition to the collection; Phlox paniculata “Nicky”

It's still early but the Salvias are not at their best yet. This one is new and I love it; Salvia “African Skies” [poss. hybrid of S. chamelaeagnea with S. scabra]

Salvia 'Amistad' is strutting it's stuff but a few more flower spikes would be nice. We will see what it does next month.

Brodiaea laxa “Queen Fabiola” was still looking lovely at the start of the month (sorry about me finger)

I love the delicate and fragile looking Agapanthus “Stockholm”.

We don't get enough sun to grow Dahlias but we try any way; Dahlia “Fascination”

Thumbergia orange beauty is still going and is a joy.

There tiz then me dears grab your parasols and jump up into the Land Rover for a tour of the rest of the estate

The taro is doing ok.

Well there we have me dears just time for a quick sneaky peek at this years Fuchsia fest - Millennium.

I have had no help from Donny this month he is still annoyed with me for constantly being late with my posts. He wrote me a note to say that if I did not pull my socks up he would report me to 'the Grand Council of Gnomes' and then no Gnome would be allowed to step foot in the Gardens of Delargo Towers ever again. A bit harsh if you ask me but you know what Gnomes are like.

I only knew that he was still here when he was caught on the night time security CCTV camera.

I will do my best to be on time for August and hope that Donny calms down and will be with me for the next post

Till then me lovelies

It's Ttfn from me.
