Tuesday 31 May 2022

The Delargo Gardens - May

 Oh dear, late again ! May is a hectic month, what with hosting the Eurovision Party, Birthdays all over the place, a holiday in Spain, house guests and of course work, let alone actual gardening. May has just flown by in no more than a blink of an eye.

Well me dears we is here now so lets get on. We have a lot of catching up to do.

A ha ! I know what you are thinking But No I am not posting June by mistake. Both 'Rosa Gertrude Jekyll' and  Rosa 'Veilchenblau' bloom early and were looking fabulous in May.

Also flowering early is our Group C Late flowering Clematis “General Sikorski” but it is so lovely I would forgive it anything.

 We bought this Mimulus this year and it produces masses of flower and just doesn't stop flowering.

Surviving the Winter the Nicotiana is about to put on another grand display and it's scent is heavenly too.

Tradescantia andersoniana

Hesperis matronalis is a must for the Spring garden every year. We didn't sow seed last year so had to buy in this year.

Veronica gentianoides might not flower for long but is a true delight when it does.

Talking of delight our now quite old Thalictrum Aquilegiifolium is pure joy.

we love all Aquilegia;

Last year we sowed seed from our now lost Aquilegia; chrysantha “Yellow Queen”

As we have quite a few they are doted all over the garden. They are great fun and would not look out of place on the set of Ridley Scott's Alien.

A Blast from the Past - the Wallflowers and Tulips hung on well into May.

 the Osteospermums are still going strong

And the Jasminum polyanthum flowered right through into June with a scent so strong you can smell it from the far end of the garden.

Holidays are fab but when you have one in May you are sure to miss something in the garden.

For us it was Scilla peruviana (Portuguese Squill);

It had started to flower when we left but was not fully open and by the time we came back it was past it's best but still rather amazing.

There tiz then me darlins. Now tiz time for a quick tour of the many gardens and the vast estate of Delargo Towers.

Before we say Ta ta there is just time to have a sneak preview of what's in store for June

The Geraniums and salvias have started to flower but will at the best next month.

All ways something to look forward to.

Hope you enjoyed the belated tour and hope to see again at the end of June

Till then me dears it's



P.S. Please leave a comment on your visit

Unfortunately due to trespassers climbing the garden wall and scribing graffiti all over the place comment moderation is now in place along with CCTV.

I will try to make sure your comments are posted ASP  


  1. It is a fast-moving time of year, that's for certain! One minute it's all tulips and Spring-ness, turn your back, and it's suddenly "Summer"... Jx

    1. Indeed it was and there is still lots to do. Lets hope for some better weather in June so we can enjoy it.

  2. I love the garden in May - everything is beginning to look so lush, and there are so many beautiful blooms! I'm particularly taken by your Veronica gentianoides - such pretty little flowers making up that delicate spike.
    And I agree about the opening Aquilegia buds looking rather 'Alien'. That open 'mouth', the 'tongue' flicking up - something for Terrifying Triffidery exhibit in the Garden Photos Event later in the year, perhaps?

    1. May is a joyful Month and now June has busted out all over. The garden seems to change week by week.
      I am am glad you liked the alien Aquilegia. I must admit that the annual garden photo event was in the back of my mind when I took the photo.
      Ttfn .

  3. I think my garden does its best in May, too - bit chilly and wet for my liking though!
    I want some of that Jasminum polyanthum, as I appreciate heavily scented shrubbery. I used to have an Orange blossom bush by my smoking bench - and I could always smell more orange than fag-ash.

    1. Hello Ms Scarlet, lovely to see you in the garden again.
      The jasmine is a joy. We love scented plants, the stronger the better we say.
      now it is the turn for the rose and nicotiana to scent the garden
      Nicotiana would be very apt for your 'smoking bench'

  4. The scent is wafting its way across The Pond to me. Gorgeous garden.

    1. Dear Mistress how lovely to see you in the garden. So sorry to be so late with my reply.
      Ms. Gertrude Jekyll ( I don't think she ever married ) is so heavily scented I could imagine her wafting across the Atlantic to you.
